Dates are a very healthy fruit that you should include in your diet. Sweet dates, regardless of the type of date, are all full of beneficial properties for our body, these fruits are rich in important nutrients for the body that have various benefits and uses. The fruit of the palm tree is used in recipes around the world and, in addition to being used as a natural sweetener, it is used as an ingredient in various recipes, from drinks to main dishes and desserts, which helps you benefit from its properties more easily. For example, dates are used in the preparation of Ranginak, which is a delicious and nutritious Iranian dessert.
Among the properties of dates, we can mention a variety of vitamins and minerals, sugar and fiber. , Energy production in the body is also another benefit of using it. It also contains calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and zinc. Dates can be used as a sugar substitute for people with diabetes along with tea.
How many types of dates are you familiar with?
Dates are a very sweet fruit that comes from the palm tree. These trees can grow up to 25 meters tall. Research shows that these trees are 5 million years old on Earth and originated somewhere around present-day Iraq and were later cultivated in other countries such as Egypt and Pakistan.
There are many types of dates, and it is said that their number even reaches 200. Each type of date has its own characteristics, some of them are soft and light brown in color. Other types of fresh dates have a more viscous texture and a darker color. But the properties and benefits of dates are almost the same among them.
Different types of these fruits may be harvested unripe, half-ripe or fully ripe. Kharak or Kharak is the unripe fruit of the date, and Rutab is the stage before full ripening, which has more moisture than fully ripe dates. Depending on the type of date, each is harvested in a different way.